Social Strategies: Tips and Tricks

Media: Facebook

Who: Our FB pages mostly reach Women, ages 35-44

Objective: Show users we care about our patients/clients. Present personalized content to make users trust that we are more than just a facility. Our objective is to create a page where parents, alumni, and those actively struggling can get appropriate information and motivation.

Frequency: Three posts per week

Message Type: Photos, Videos, Blog Posts, Website Links

Tone: Informational while being relatable.

Note: If we share a motivational quote or helpful tip, our followers are more likely to relate to that and share it on their own feed. These types of posts bring us organic engagement, and create stronger relationships with our followers. 


Media: LinkedIn

Who: The top job functions of our LI Audience are Business Development and Healthcare Services.

Objective: Give insight into our facility and offered services. Our objective is to reach referral sources, while occasionally targeting potential clients/patients.

Frequency: Two or three posts per week

Message Type: Photos, Videos, Blog Posts, Website Links

Tone: Informational & Professional


Media: Instagram/Twitter

Who: Individuals in recovery, those struggling with mental health & community partners.

Objective: Share motivational content to support individuals in recovery or those struggling with mental health. These platforms a more for community engagement and support rather than promotional of our offered services. Our objective is to build relationships and create trust.

Frequency: One or two posts per week.

Message Type: Photos & Videos

Tone: Relatable and personal

Social Tips

Facebook: The best way to grow followers on Facebook is by having engaging posts. Facebook’s algorithm favors posts with a lot of likes/shares/comments, when our posts don’t have adequate engagement they won’t get pushed out to our followers feed. 

How to improve engagement?

  • ENGAGE: The most obvious, and largest way to improve engagement is by having facility employees engage with our content. If our teams simply went through and liked/shared/commented on content this would improve drastically. Encourage your team and facility to go follow your facility page!
  • Groups: There are a ton of Facebook groups that people join to get support from others as well as daily motivation. These groups share posts from individuals/pages and aim to motivate others who are struggling with anything, but a lot focusing on those struggling with mental health and addiction. These groups have thousands of members, joining these groups and sharing motivational posts/graphics from our facility pages is a great way to increase our reach and get our name out there. They are also a great tool for personal motivation as well. The best of both worlds!
  • Hashtags: Hashtags are used across social media platforms to categorize content, so we can search and find content that we are interested in and so businesses and brands can reach larger audiences of people who may be interested in their content.
    • Only use 1-3 hashtags per post.
    • Acute: #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthtreatment #improvetheliveswetouch
    • SUD: #addictionrecovery #wedorecover #recoveryispossible
    • If there is a trending hashtag that is related to mental health or addiction, feel free to use that in your postings.
  • Community partners: Let us know the names of some of your community partners. This will allow us to follow and engage with their content from our facility pages. This helps their page, but also gives our facilities more exposure.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is very similar to Facebook in terms of growth. Engagement is key Sharing/Liking/Commenting. When you like a post, others on your feed can see that post even if they are not following the page, this is helpful because it gives our page more visibility.

  • Sharing: When you share a post, don’t just click share and be done. Add at least one line of text as well as hashtags. This type of posting is favored by the LI algorithm.
  • Hashtags
    • Use 3 hashtags per post at the end of your caption.
    • Use relevant keywords from the topic of the posting.
    • Acute: #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthtreatment #improvetheliveswetouch
    • SUD: #addictionrecovery #wedorecover #recoveryispossible

Random tid-bit: When posting to Linkedin, try to proof-read and make all changes before posting. If you edit a post right after posting, this will affect the reach. This is one of LinkedIn’s algorithm annoyances.

Random tid-bit: 
When posting to Linkedin, try to proof-read and make all changes before posting. If you edit a post right after posting, this will affect the reach.
This is one of LinkedIn’s algorithm annoyances.