14 Things to Do with Digital and How to Promote Your Facility

Help Us Help You

  1. Take photos of your facilities for social media. Pretty sunsets, first snowfalls, a wild (but safe) animal visitor, new decorations in the cafeteria…it all helps our relevancy and engages alumni and families. These can easily be emailed to hswanson@summitbhc.com along with a few details about what’s in the photo or why it’s significant (even something as simple as “Another beautiful sunset here at Cottonwood!”).
  2. News updates: we can post to social media several times per week, but at least once a week is preferable. Please let us know in advance if you have a timely post that needs to be published on or by a certain day. This can include events, staff retirements, campus happenings. We also publish our blog posts on social media and can work around the facility’s schedule so we don’t post too often.
  3. CEOs, DBDs, and facility staff need to follow our pages (both Facebook and LinkedIn) and share our posts. If you see something on your facility’s profile, “love it,” share it, and leave a positive comment.
  4. Holidays. Showing off holiday decorations, special meals, etc. can make rehab look friendly and celebratory.
  5. Caredfor. Use our blogs as content for CaredFor before using a competitors’ article.
  6. Alumni and past clients – check on them, appeal to them, since relapsing is a big issue right now. Email campaigns, phone calls (I know that’s not internet though), whatever is appropriate. Get them resources to zoom meetings or set up with telehealth, connected to other alumni, etc.

Elsewhere on the Web

There are a lot of recovery communities and websites out there, and there are a lot of conversations going on. These items will help our staff find them and keep up with them.

  1. Sign up for Google Alerts to receive daily emails regarding your facility names, industry terms, addiction topics, etc. Use these emails to further conversations, answer questions, etc. https://www.google.com/alerts
  2. Get on Reddit. You can subscribe to addiction, mental health, and specific topics like alcoholism or opiates. You can also get daily emails.

  3. Get on Quora. A lot of people are asking questions. We can answer them and direct them to our site or provide a number.

  4. Join professional addiction/mental health Facebook groups. There are new groups popping up all the time, but our focus should be on networking groups, not support groups. Other professionals will often post in these groups looking for a facility with a particular focus or insurance.

  5. Read up on addiction blogs and forum sites. Get involved in conversations to help with branding and gaining clients. 
  6. If any current partners or referral sources have a website/blog, stay involved with it and post in their comments in a supportive way. 

Other Promo Opportunities

  1. Look into opportunities to place ads on scorecards at area golf courses, placemats at local diner’s. It connects the facility with the local community and a very high percentage of golfers have private insurance. 
  2. Become an underwriter of your local NPR/PBS radio and TV stations. They tend to be very affordable. NPR/PBS is highly regarded among the public, so participating with them is a positive qualification for our brands. (when our underwriting comment (ad) plays a little of their integrity rubs off on us). The NPR/PBS demographic is highly educated and higher income which is a high likelihood of private insurance and the means to private pay. 

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